How can your business blog improve the sales of your company? Isn’t this simply a place to share information and events?
Your blog can be much more than that and it can offer your website the support needed to boost sales. With interesting, informative, and engaging blogs, your customer base can grow, your audience can be more active, and your business can thrive more than it already does. Let’s look at some tips to help improve your blog.
The Right Platform is the Place to Start
You want to have a platform that’s easy to use and one that has the services and tools that will give you the information needed to offer the best business blog in your industry. WordPress is one of the most useful and powerful platforms that can work for your blog. There are others, but this one seems to have the versatility and effectiveness for nearly every industry.
Is Your Blog Optimized for Mobile Users?
While you’ve probably ensured your website is easy to use on mobile devices, often the blog is a separate page that’s accessible through a menu button on your home or about page. The blog pages need to be optimized and should offer a consistent appearance to ensure your readers see that the blog is part of the website and part of your company image.
Content Must be SEO Driven
Your business blog shouldn’t be random thoughts or only technological content. It should be a place where the average customer can learn more about your industry and your company. The content should be focused on what you offer and support the SEO strategy you’ve put in place. Create relevant and informative posts that add value to what visitors to your site are looking for.
Reach Out to Industry Experts
Are you willing to pay industry experts to write information for your blog? If so, you can give your website a ton of authority in your industry by doing so. Ask them to create the posts that will help your business while adding a few links back to their websites. This will give you a larger audience and allow these experts to benefit from the content they have created for you.
Consistently Post to Your Business Blog
Create a clear schedule of content to be posted to your blog and stick to it. Use seasonal information, the latest news, and events happening at your business location to fill the pages and keep your audience informed. Consistent content allows users to see that you’re actively trying to engage them with the blog information you share. This also gives you more authority with search engines.
Be The Biggest Cheerleader for Your Blog
Creating and posting a blog is only part of the process, you need to promote your blog across several platforms. Share it on social media, add links to it in your advertising, include links in your email marketing. Get the word out that you have a business blog and your audience should enjoy it. Review the places you share your blog and find out which ones are the most effective to understand what works and what doesn’t.
Add Links to Give Your Business Blog More Juice
Linking to relevant content that’s related to the topic in your blog gives your pages more authority. These links should be to pages on your website and also on pages of other websites. These are called internal and outbound links and they make a huge difference in the ranking your blog page will receive from the search engines.
Action Makes a Difference
Your business blog should tell a story and give your audience information. You’ve spent several paragraphs talking about a particular product or service but have you invited the audience to participate? Include call-to-action messages in your posts and invite your readers to enjoy the use of a new product, take advantage of a service, or contact your company through your website to see what you have to offer.
Make Your Business Blog Bring in More Sales
Because of the tracking tools offered today, you can find a direct correlation between your business blog and a sale at your company. This is certainly easier to do if the sale takes place online, but even an offline sale can come from a lead that comes from contact pages on your website. Your blog needs to work for you; make sure it’s ready to do this by following the tips discussed here today.
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