Tips for Analyzing Cross-Device Conversions

Tips for Analyzing Cross-Device Conversions

Focusing on increasing cross-device conversions can be a great use of time and resources. There are some tips below for how to analyze them.

Let’s face it-many humans are procrastinators. We push off the tasks we know we have to do, until the night before the task must be done, when we hurriedly finish after a stressful effort. This procrastination can often follow us into online shopping, too.

There are usually three types of people who shop online: those who shop online very frequently, often making impulsive buys they don’t need; people who shop online when they need to, and purchase only what they need; and those that shop mindlessly, putting items in their carts, deciding they will purchase them later, and oftentimes forgetting to pull the trigger.

That third group of consumers is the one your digital marketing team should be focusing on when thinking about cross-device conversions. This group is the most likely to engage in cross-device conversions, in which they start an engagement with your business on one device, and finish the engagement on another.

Use Google to Track the Conversions

Google has provided the stunning statistic that 90% of people use multiple devices to accomplish a singular goal. This means that up to 90% of your market could be engaging in cross-device conversions, so keeping track of them is very important.

Google’s DoubleClick service is rolling out a way to measure the time that passes between the initial engagement, and the finishing of the task on the other device. If you can get a basis for the time that usually passes, you can decrease it, which will, in turn, increase the number of cross-device conversions your business sees.

By using Google’s AdWords software, and without changing anything from your normal tracking of conversions, you can keep track of cross-device conversions, too, using data from people who are signed into their Google accounts, as well as information about their device, country, and conversion type.

Google provides a lot of software and accurate, trustworthy information that helps you see what practices are helping increase cross-device conversions, and to what audience you may need to steer further efforts.

Watch the Interaction With Your Mobile Ads

You know those pop-up ads that appear when you’re scrolling through Facebook or a news article? Seeing those can be the start of a cross-device conversion.

If one of your customers sees one of your ads on their smartphone, then makes a purchase at your company on their laptop the next day, that is a cross-device conversion, so keeping track of the engagement people make with your mobile ads is a crucial step in analyzing cross-device conversion activity.

When looking at data from mobile ads, you may see that it takes a longer amount of time for cross-device conversions to happen. Until you can decrease the time, you may need to be patient while waiting for customers to make those conversions.

Think About Your Advertising Budget

So after you’ve analyzed your cross-device conversions, and collected information about how prevalent they are in your business, what do you do next? Analyzing and possibly making changes to your advertising budget is the logical next step.

For example, you may notice that your ads on mobile devices are gaining more views, engagements, and leading to more conversions than your advertisements on desktop computers. This would likely lead to money being taken out of the budget for desktop ads, and more money being given to mobile advertising.

Changing your advertising budgets and methods can lead to more cross-device conversions, which is more successful for your business in general.

Cross-device conversions can be a product of procrastination and good advertising and are affected by many factors. But by analyzing your company’s success rate with cross-device conversions, and applying the information gleaned, you can better your advertising, and increase conversions overall.

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