Grow Your Reach with 2023’s Top Social Media Trends

Grow Your Reach with 2023's Top Social Media Trends

Social media has become one of the most powerful marketing tools for every business. To be successful, you’ve got to know about the top social trends of 2023.

Why should you pay attention to trends on social media? This is the best way to capture the attention of a wider audience and reach more viewers than with your traditional marketing strategies. Some trends come from the best practices, while others are brand new ideas and often come with the new social platforms. Let’s dig in and see what some of the top trends in social are so you can push your message forward.

Influencer Marketing continues to grow

One of the best ways to get your message out there is to hire an influencer. Influencers have large followings across various social media platforms, and they can help bring your message to a larger group. This means your content is pushed forward and shows up in the news feed and connections of many users following these influencers. Most companies that higher influencers enjoy impressive growth experiences within a short time after the influencer brings their content to the masses.

Authenticity matters, and this means employee advocacy

How well does your company treat employees? Are you showcasing your team on your social platforms? Uses want to know the people they work with are happy, enjoy their jobs, and get to know them a little. This has been one of the top social trends over the past couple of years, and it continues into 2023. Use some team spotlight videos to show off your team and highlight their accomplishments and stories. Their story can become part of your story.

Social Media Marketing powered by AI

Artificial Intelligence continues to grow, and social media marketing will be influenced and powered by it. Being an early adopter of this technology helps bring the capabilities to the market and allows your team to utilize various functions offered by different AI programs. AI brings several different tools to the market to help ensure the right continue shows up in the right place when it’s time for your message. You’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily your company can adopt AI into your social media marketing strategy.

TikTok has become a huge hit

One of the top social trends of 2023 is the growth of TikTok. This social platform focuses on short-form videos to engage users. Many marketers utilize this platform to offer some information and invite users to check out more information using links that are embedded in the post information. Some marketers have even found ways to sell through TikTok by adding links to product and service pages for users to buy items from their sites.

Transparency is necessary

Because more users than ever before reach to social media for news and reactions of other users, more companies than ever will add communication when things go wrong. Southwest Airlines did this recently to show what went wrong, how they were fixing it, and what customers could expect in the future. This level of transparency allows the airline to maintain its customer base, despite a short-term loss. This is important for most companies to offer clear communication and information to show how they have addressed any problems that have come up along the way.

The community feeling has moved to social media

For many years, social media platforms have allowed groups to form, making it easier than ever to share interests and align expectations. This is one of the continued top social media trends of 2023. Some marketers can get into these groups and offer each group some great products and ideas that align with their focus and goals. These groups can easily address problems and come up with solutions that allow the community feeling to continue to grow.

More social means more marketing

Large platforms are making it more difficult for marketers to utilize their platforms. An example of this is Facebook Marketplace requiring paid company pages to utilize paid advertising instead of Marketplace listing for used vehicles offered for sale. While this leaves the Marketplace open for users with one vehicle to sell, new platforms aren’t as strict or as limiting, inviting commercial users and marketers into their fold to try and monetize the use of various pages and listings.

As more social media platforms arise this should continue to be a growing trend.
Will your company take advantage of these top social trends of 2023, or will you stick to what you know and what’s worked in the past?

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